Enterprise Edition

Enable secure centralized control and compliance with the most demanding industry regulations across your entire organization and locations

PROD Monitor Enterprise 720

For businesses that operate in regulated industries, span multiple locations or need centralized control of their label design and printing operations, BarTender Enterprise Edition provides comprehensive enterprise-wide printing with centralized management, workflow orchestration and revision control, auditing, web and mobile printing, always-on high-availability and added security.

Secure anywhere, anytime internet printing

  • Secure printing from any operating system or device
  • Browser-based printing with no local client or app installed on the remote user’s system — the user never accesses your network
  • Online approvals enable full and immediate printing control
  • Comprehensive security with TLS/encryption and role-based access
  • Driverless printing — no printer drivers required on server
  • Print to PDF support
  • Print Portal REST API to automate tasks and integrate with other applications


PROD Screen Print
PROD Workflow Designer

Faster label design, approval and publishing

  • Drag and drop visual Workflow Designer
  • Increase label document QA and team accountability
  • Track the status of label files from start to finish
  • Configurable email notifications for each document state, approval, and transition


Enterprise-level business data integration and reliability

Powerful Integration R2

Powerful integration to almost any business system

  • Integrate with mission-critical business systems and data sources including SAP, Microsoft, Oracle, Sage, Infor, Körber, Epicor, NetSuite and more 
  • Tested and proven in the most demanding enterprise environments
  • Choose the integration method that works best for your environment: no-code Integration Builder platform, web-based REST API or pre-built data connectors
  • Build custom web application integrations using BarTender REST API to automate label printing
  • Support for advanced web-enabled printing, document management and workflow integration with Print Portal REST and Librarian API
PROD Screen Database

Diverse database support

  • Connect document designs to over 20 databases or file types, including Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, Firebird, IBM DB2, IBM Informix, Microsoft Azure SQL, MySQL, MariaDB, PostgresSQL, SAP HANA, OLE DB and OLE ODBC
  • Use standard data structures and formats such as XML, JSON, YAML, SAP IDoc, Oracle XML, ASCII & Unicode coded text-based data for data interchange
  • Build and manage your own database without external databases
  • Automatically source data and images from database or external files for printing
  • Create your own database tables that travel with your BarTender document designs
PROD Screen Reliability

Enhanced reliability for mission-critical environments

  • Improved disaster recovery and backup options
  • Enhanced failover license support
  • Resilient licensing for fault tolerance

See how you can enable secure centralized labeling control and compliance across all your locations today

Centralized control, management, and compliance

PROD Screen Document (1)

Centralized document storage and management

  • Librarian document management system provides a secure central repository of label templates and documents
  • File check-in and check-out processes prevent users from overwriting each other's changes
  • Revision control and audit trail to track and manage the entire organization's label templates
  • Access control to allow or limit access to templates and documents
  • Phrase Library for building multi-lingual text database with Auto-Translate and TMX file support


PROD Screen Security

Comprehensive security and auditable processes

  • Secure document access with role-based security and user permissions
  • Require an electronic signature (or user login credentials) before users can perform actions
  • Fully encrypt templates to stop unauthorized access, sharing or distribution
  • Printing access control
  • Log and detect unauthorized document or application access attempts


PROD Screen Traceability

Manage traceability and serialization to meet industry regulations


Ready to get started?
Talk to our team today about how BarTender can help streamline your label printing operations

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BarTender Enterprise Edition

See how you can enable secure centralized labeling control and compliance across all your locations today.

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