Rebuilding Maui – How the Hawaiian Community Shows Up for Each Other as Ohana 

Kokua – to give without the expectation of receiving

Author: Scotty Lee, Partner Strategy Manager , Seagull Software

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A Tahitian Lime DW tree tag at a designated repotting area on a resort 

On August 8, 2023, the devasting fire of Lahaina on Maui wiped out thousands of structures, with 86% of them being residential properties in West Maui. Two locals, Matthew Murasko and Duane Sparkman, founded nonprofit Treecovery, to help rebuild the community of Maui. Treecovery’s vision is to keep the trees in the fire zones alive and provide trees at no charge to the residents and businesses in Lahaina and Kula that lost their trees in the wildfire. So far, the team has planted over 3,400 trees, recovered over 150, and have grown to over 50 volunteers. Treecovery aims to plant over 30,000 trees with 20,000 of them being in Lahaina. While the team has amassed many volunteers and donors, this recovery effort requires more assistance from other residents, businesses, and schools as well. 

Not only is Treecovery providing aid for trees and replanting trees; by partnering with Punahou School, they are educating the next generation on growing compost to ensure that the lands remain fertile. They are piloting a project with the school to increase sustainable agriculture over 2 acres. Murasko and Sparkman are also looking to aid Hawaii’s economy by supporting local nurseries, construction companies, and by providing additional work opportunities for many residents.  

Sparkman recounted a recent encounter he had, “A mother called me, and she had asked if we could come to her daughter’s birthday party to plant a tree. So, we rounded up a few volunteers to show up for the birthday party to plant a tree. We want people to feel good and feel better. When we give, we heal. When they receive, they heal. This is kokua – to give without the expectation of receiving. That’s what this project is and we are going to give away as much as we can. The people need help and the land needs trees.” There is a personal element to this movement and it is the heart of Treecovery which is why so many locals and mainlanders are looking for ways to support their efforts near and far. 

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Stephanie celebrated her birthday with Treecovery by planting a Pink Plumeria plant at their residence. 

To track their planting efforts, they use Treeplotter software, to keep record of all the trees planted across the topography. This not only helps them locate planted trees on a map, but it also helps them plan for future development as well. In addition to Treeplotter, BarTender software is used to design the tree tags and a TSC printer Raptor Ace 6 inch thermal printer is used to print the durable labels that go around the trunk of the young trees.  

From private land owners to hotel resorts in Maui offering their parcels of land to plant trees such as Royal Lahaina, The Westin Maui, Marriott Vacation Club, to companies providing equipment and software such as Specialty Tag & Label, TSC Printers, BarTender by Seagull Scientific and others; the real spirit of Ohana is growing amongst these trees.  

“I am honored to unite our three partner corporations in collaboration for such a great cause. It feels good to share our unique expertise and provide tools to an organization that prioritizes outcomes over incomes.” – Mary Landry, General Manager, Specialty Tag & Label 

When trees are repotted and placed in holding areas such as the interior landscaping at resorts, locals feel the community coming together. “People seeing their names or their friends’ names on the trees is heartwarming and seeing the tags on the trees help bring a sense of hope in rebuilding what was lost,” says Sparkman. 

“From over 2,600 miles away on the mainland, we are proud to support Treecovery’s efforts in replanting Maui and we take pride that our partners have also taken action to aid in rebuilding this community.” – Colby Cavanaugh, SVP of Marketing, BarTender Software 

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Lisbon Lemon tree tag at repotting area on a resort 

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TSC Printer printing tree tags made with BarTender