Increasing Efficiency: How Pragmatyxs Inc. Empowered a Leading Electronics Manufacturer with BarTender Enterprise Upgrade 

Author: Kathy Mellstrom, Pragmatyxs, Inc.

Quick Overview:

1. Streamlined Printing Process: Pragmatyxs Inc. upgraded the electronics manufacturer to BarTender Enterprise, introducing a significantly improved Print Portal for a more user-friendly and secure finished goods labeling process on the manufacturing floor.

2. Efficiency Boost: The upgrade resulted in a substantial reduction in template rework and trouble tickets, eliminating dependencies at the label operator end. BarTender software installations were reduced from 60 to 1, freeing up IT resources.

3. Transformed Operations: With the latest BarTender Enterprise and Pragmatyxs' expertise, the manufacturer achieved enhanced control, security, and flexibility at the user level, establishing a streamlined production process and maximizing the value of their investment.



PCB manufacturing


A highly respected electronics manufacturer providing products for measurement, calibration, monitoring, and its related software was utilizing a legacy version of BarTender Enterprise. This outdated solution lacked enhanced features, notably causing challenges in deploying and managing the BarTender client software. This limitation also hindered print operators on the production floor from efficiently initiating printing.

One major issue was the lack of control over end users making label design changes, directly impacting quality control. Recognizing the need for enhanced flexibility and security, right down to the user level, the goal was to boost output efficiency while implementing more robust control and security measures.



Whenever the customer presented an issue, the Pragmatyxs team seized the opportunity to explore various solutions and incorporate Pragmatyxs and industry best practices. Pragmatyxs’ aim is to identify the option that not only resolves the problem but also ensures the customer maximizes the value of their investment.

In their recent investigation, during the discovery phase it became apparent that the latest release of BarTender Enterprise boasted a significantly improved Print Portal. This web-based feature provided manufacturing floor operators with a more user-friendly and secure method for printing finished goods labels. It streamlined the process, reducing the number of steps required while upholding rigorous quality assurance and security standards.

The team of Pragmatyxs' consultants took charge of installing and configuring the latest Enterprise edition of BarTender, complete with the enhanced Print Portal, in both test and production environments. Additionally, they provided documentation and training during the migration of artifacts from the legacy environment and post-go-live support to ensure a smooth transition.



By implementing the most recent version of BarTender Enterprise alongside the Print Portal collaboratively with Pragmatyxs, the manufacturer successfully established a streamlined process for finished goods labeling. Notably, they achieved a substantial reduction in template rework and trouble tickets by eliminating dependencies at the label operator end. Additionally, the footprint of BarTender software installations was significantly reduced from 60 to 1, diminishing IT infrastructure management requirements and freeing up IT resources.

Pragmatyxs is well-equipped to assist customers in evaluating how BarTender can be deployed to be the optimal solution for your needs. Embark on your 30-day free trial today to explore the potential benefits firsthand.

About Pragmatyxs

Pragmatyxs is a leading technology consultant and systems integrator, with more than 25 years of experience and more than 15 years as a valued BarTender partner. Our primary focus is working with IT, manufacturing, supply chain, quality, and marketing departments to ensure smooth communication between ERP and PLM systems and a company’s barcode and product labeling software.